
Showing posts from March, 2018

Trapped character profiles

Andri Olaffson   Enrikr "do you need help with that??" ... Andri "no im fine" Chief of police Father Takes his job very seriously Hinrika Kristjánsdóttir Police officer Sorts out simple things in the beginning such as parking tickets.  Ásgeir Þórarinsson Police officer Sorts out simple things in the beginning such as parking tickets. Throws up when the are out at sea Agnes Eiríksdóttir Andri's ex wife Has two children, Porhildur the older daughter and Perla the younger daughter. Anges has a new boyfriend called Sigvaldi. He is liked and accepted by her family.  Andri still is in love with Agnes and still wears their wedding ring. Wants to move away with her new boyfriend and daughters going against what Andri wants. Eventually does at the end of the series leaving Andri distraught. Everyone knows about her coming come Hall’s theory - Anges fits stereotypes by being a mother. However she goes against the ...