Shirky's End of Audience Theory
My own research He believes that audiences are no longer passive. ( we wont watch things and let them wash over us not really taking thing in). He believes audiences are now more active, wanting to interact with the media (wanting to interact and share and to like and comment, because of technology.) Shirky believes this is because technology has changed out expectations and behaviour. (made us more active. We now expect to be able to share contents and like and comment, we expect a level of interaction with products.) Skirky believes that audiences like to 'speak back' to producers of the media. (it used to be producers at the top of this hierarchy and audiences at the bottom and we would have to wait for producers to send us their products, movies, TV programmes and magazines. Now because of twitter and Instagram we can interact with the people who make the content, we can tell them what we like and dislike, because of this there is more equality of power. N...