Gilroy's Postcolonialist Theory

Gilroy's Postcolonialist Theory

  • between the 1500's and the 1900's we had a period of colonisation. Countries decided they wanted to go to other countries and take over and claim them as their own and start running them. Britain did this a lot. British military and government travelled to lots of places, such as India and the Caribbean, so they would sail there install their own government and soldiers and act as if then ran it. The people that lived in these countries would have to obey and listen to the British 'rulers' as they were very horrible people. We were trying to increase the British empire and grow out country and to make our country more powerful.
  • colonisation = taking over another country to run and exploit it
  • Gilroy believes we can still see the effects of this in the media now- Gilroy thinks you can still see people from ethnic minorities and in particular from those areas that we colonized as...
  • Believes ethnic minorities are often show as powerless, weak, dehumanized, marginalised and 'other'- Other means they are seen as abnormal, different, strange, exotic, not being seen as good or powerful or as successful or high up in terms of  status as people from white British communities.


Gilroy’s Post colonialist Theory
The Daily Mail
The Guardian
Examples of ethnic minorities being shown as powerless, weak, dehumanized, marginalised, and ‘other’. Other means they are seen as abnormal, different, strange, exotic, not being seen as good or powerful or as successful or high up in terms of status as people from white British communities.

TV Drama

Gilroy’s Post colonialist Theory
Examples of ethnic minorities being shown as powerless, weak, dehumanized, marginalised, and ‘other’. Other means they are seen as abnormal, different, strange, exotic, not being seen as good or powerful or as successful or high up in terms of status as people from white British communities.
Homeland is extremely racist, it is saying all terrorists are Muslim, arubs, middle eastern. Homeland paints a picture of where there people live as all being black.    
 Trapped only has three people of different races. They are the two girls who are being human trafficked and the Lithuanian who was the human trafficker. 


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