Section A: 1 hour Q1: BBC breakfast show (Production and format of show, presenter and recent changes, target audience and specific appeals, funding PSB remit and how it meets it, economical political and cultural context and digital convergence./ Jungle Book(15 marks) (Production distribution involved, main detail of the production narrative and character etc, changes in the remake and reasons, economical and historical context.) Q2: Video games (15 marks)(Production companies involved, developments in game, target audience and appeals, impact of being brought out.) Section B : 1 hour Q3: TV Drama representation (context, produced and consumed) (30 marks) Q4: Todorov's (10 marks)radio Representations of social, cultural and historical events can vary within long form television dramas from different countries. Discuss how and why audiences might respond to and interpret these representations differently. In your answer you must consider the cont...
Unseen newspaper
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Analyse the different representations of ethnicity in Sources A and B. Apply one appropriate theory of gender in your answer. Shes priminstier- normally a mans job breaks sterotypes- not sexualised- appart form makeup low angle breaks stereotypes with close up shot use of the word courage not normally used to decibe a women melenia trump has a medium shot hair done perfectly eyerings gazing at her husband smiling it looks as if she is swearing to be the doting wife In address to the question above I will be using Van Zoonen's feminist theory to argue and discuss that gender is performative and that women's bodies are represented as objects. On The Sun newspaper front cover we are shown a low angle close up shot of Theresa May. Low angle shots connote power and dominance, not something usually associated with a women. The Sun is therefore giving status and supporting May and the conservative party. The low angle shot is also proving van Zoonen's theory in...
Practice paper
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analysis two random covers Study sources A and B and then answer all the questions in section A Source A - front cover of the independent Source B - front cover 1 Analyse the different representation of ethnicity in sources A and B. Apply one appropriate theory of representation in your answer. I am going to analyse different representations of ethnicity in Source A and Source B, applying Gilroy's theory. Gilroy believes Britain that failed to mourn its loss of empire creating 'postcolonial melancholia', this has resulted in people in ethnic minorities and from places Britain colonised being represented as powerless, weak, dehumanised, marginalised and other. This is especially displayed in the media however some media products do disrupt Gilroy's theory. I am going to explore this further in Source A and B The Independent newspaper does not confirm Gilroy's theory in Source A as it presents migrants in a more human light compared with the Daily Mail w...
Exam questions
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Paper 1- news Four questions: One 10 marker- applying one of the 19 theories to unseen covers. One 15 marker asking you to analyse the one/two unseen covers in terms of media language/representation/genre/bias etc. One 10 mark question asking you to discuss how your case studies in relation to a question like, 'Explain how the political/social/cultural context in which newspapers are produced influences their ownership, context and regulated. e.g. institution, media language, representation and audience (plus social, historical and political significance) E.G. "explain how the political context in which newspapers are produced, influences their regulation. Refer to The Guardian and the Daily Mail newspapers you have studied to support your answer. Analyse the representations in sources A and B. Use Curran and Seaton media industries theory Curran and Seaton's power and media industries theory states that the media (such as newspapers) are owned by large conglo...
Hesmondhalgh Cultural Industries Theory
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Hesmondhalgh The Daily Mail Online Cultural industries (newspapers) follow normal capitalist patterns of increased concentration cultural production is owned by a few conglomerates who vertically integrate across a range of media to reduce risk. DM- totally supports this because it is owned by Lord Rothermere who is one of the two billionaires in the UK who between them own ¾ of the press. He has reduced risk by vertically integrating to an online paper as well as print. Risk is high for cultural industries – especially now the internet means stories are shared quickly. Lord Rothermere doesn’t mind if figures are down a bit